At Shiatsu for Health, we gently connect with you. Assessing appropriate pressure, speed, and movement as we create a personalized Shiatsu session for each client. Shiatsu focus is on the meridians (channels) and how they relate to the muscles, connective tissue, structural alignment, joints, nervous system and organ systems. We connect you to your own body’s ability to heal and have optimal health.
“Be your own superhero in your life and health.”
Tina Rea, LMT
Zen Shiatsu training from elite teachers including Pauline Sasaki, Cliff Andres, Carola Beresford-Cook, and members of the Shiatsu School of the UK, Energy Healing with Bob White.
Personalized Touch
Tina Rea always treats with gently connecting with you. Assessing appropriate pressure, speed, and movement as she creates a personalized Shiatsu session for each client at every session no matter what health challenges the client might be dealing with.
Flexible Health Savings Plans
Many programs allow for reimbursement for massage therapy. As a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) you may be able to be reimbursed for the cost of your Shiatsu sessions. Check with your provider. Invoices provided by request.
Holistic Health Maintenance
Energy balancing Shiatsu provides a physical, emotional, mental energy tune up to help support the whole you.
Healing from Illness or Injury
Recovering from physical & emotional challenges? Shiatsu work can release tight restrictive painful movement in your body internally and structurally. This includes currant and long standing illnesses and injuries. Helping to reduce the stress we feel and the effects of the stress. Enhancing your health and well-being throughout the body.
Recreational Weekend Warriors
Are you actively participating in life; hiking, biking, running, skiing, kayaking, gardening, remodeling your house? We spend our work days sitting at desks or walking/standing on cement all day, then want to be out and about active. This can contribute to stiff, sore, strained bodies.
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Start feeling better today
Shift how your body feels, shift how you feel in your body.
About Shiatsu for Health

About Tina Rea
Hi! I’m Tina Rea, LMT, Shiatsu practitioner and owner of Shiatsu for Health in Portland, Oregon.
My practice is divided between my private practice in downtown Portland, and working at IEP – , an autoimmune clinic. Clients at my private practice are looking for improved heath and well-being, improved energy, alignment, circulation and energy. At the clinic my clients have cancer, MS, HIV/AIDS, or other autoimmune diseases. Working at IEP has taught me a great deal about illness, its effects on the body while learning how to better serve all my clients.

What is Shiatsu?
Shiatsu is a form of massage from Japan unlike other forms of massage. There are no oils or lotions used. Client wearing loose comfortable fitting clothes like yoga pants with a t-shirt. The treatments are traditionally done on a futon on the floor. If you have difficulty getting down or up from the floor a massage table can be used.
Shiatsu means finger pressure. It includes pressure applied from the thumbs, palms, elbows and possibly knees along the meridians or information pathways located in the facia. Think Acupuncture without needles.
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